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Country specific information

A part of the work of the Danish Medical Group Against the Death Penalty consists of monitoring specific countries where there is a particular pressing medical aspect to the death penalty.

The Danish Medical Group Against the Death Penalty at the moment has chosen to focus on three countries, where the medical aspect of the death penalty is particularly pressing: Japan, China, and the United States. Each of these countries has its own issues, and each section focuses on what is particularly problematic about the given country. 

 Countries in focus:



The United States

List of countries that use the lethal injection method for capital punishment

Countries that use the lethal injection method:






United States of America


*Taiwan permits lethal injection as a method of execution, but no execution has been carried out in this manner.

Source: Death Penalty World Wide, Archive

General information about the death penalty

Once a year Amnesty International publishes a global report on death sentences and executions. You can find the latest report here.